2013 Officers of the Fort Lauderdale Mariners Club

October 04, 2012

I am pleased to announce that I have been elected Program Chair of the Fort Lauderdale Mariners Club for the upcoming year. The Fort Lauderdale Mariners Club Officers for 2013 are the following: 

Skipper - Matt Valcourt
First Mate - Charles Davant
Purser - Kristene Lundblad
Yeoman - Bryan Emond
Program Chair – Michelle Otero Valdes
Bos’n – Elaine Frawley
Historian – Terry Jones
Activities Chair – Arlene Weicher
Seminar Chair - Jonathan Dunleavy

I am excited with this new position and will be looking to my colleagues in the maritime community to be ready to speak about matters of interest to the Club.

If you have any interesting topics to present, please feel free to contact me at mov@chaloslaw.com