May 03, 2011
AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion, 22 Fla. L. Weekly Fed. S957a (Apr. 27, 2011).
Arbitration -- Class actions -- Federal Arbitration Act prohibits States from conditioning enforceability of certain arbitration agreement on availability of classwide arbitration procedures -- California supreme court's Discover Bankdecision, which held that class waivers in consumer arbitration agreement are unconcionable under certain circumstances, is preempted by FAA, because it stands as an obstacle to acomplishment and execution of full purposes and objectives of Congress
This decision is huge and is a major reversal of many state decisions finding that the FAA does not preempt state law on classwide arbitrations. Should you have any questions on this decision or wish a full copy, please feel free to contact me at Regards, Michelle Otero Valdés